
QuadWorks Logo 2019

Picture of QuadWorks Board

2021-2022 QuadWorks Board 

About Us

QuadWorks is a student-led organization responsible for creating interesting, educational, and just plain fun events for the Mercer community.

Magicians, musicians, artists, comedians and entertainers from all around the country have made their way to Mercer for QuadWorks sponsored events like Homecoming, Bingo, BearStock, Midnight Movie, and Mercer Madness. For more information on upcoming events, make sure to check out our Facebook page.

Want To Join?
At this time, applications for QuadWorks board positions have ended. Keep a look out on our Facebook and Twitter pages on information for future applications.

QuadSquad is the membership branch of QuadWorks where everyone’s invited! There’s no commitment necessary but meetings will be held biweekly for anyone who wants to attend. By planning events for students through QuadSquad, members will learn lots of skills and get an inside look of what QuadWorks is like! 

Join the 22-23 QuadSquad GroupMe by scanning the QR Code below. 

QuadSquad QR Code

Papa Joe Hendricks, a 1955 Mercer graduate and an instrumental leader in the early years of Mercer's Student Government Association, has always been well respected in his thoughts and beliefs of campus life. In a speech, to campus leaders, he asked, "Can you imagine a time when we called the University 'The Mercer Family?'"

He continued, "It brings to mind an account of a migrant tribe who carried with them a pole that always stood in the center of their camp. One day the pole was mysteriously stolen, and the people slowly, and then rapidly, began to die. Their center was gone! The living symbol of meaning had been taken from them."

"I want to rescue our pole," Papa Joe said. "All I want you to help me do is get the pole back, to discover a center of our heritage, a center that will pull us together, a center that will hold against the storms of the future."

From that vision, we are returning the pole, to the heart of Mercer. We have taken up Papa Joe's challenge. We are returning to our heritage, to our Quad. We are doing this because we know: The Quad Works.

Board Meetings
QuadWorks meets every Monday at 7:30 in Connell Conference Room 3. All of our meetings are open to the public, except for meetings where we are voting on the board.


QuadWorks has funding to help student organzations and campus departments put on programs for the Mercer community. Learn more and apply for co-sponsorship money here.

Social Media Pages
Click on any of the links below to head to our social media pages! We keep an up-to-date flow of information coming your way so that you can always know what events and fun things we have coming your way!

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